
if you ever find yourself foaming at the mouth,
call me. i’ll suck the foam
out of your mouth.


fought with dad today. then masturbated as usual.
an uncanny pair of ejaculations.


girls are tender, girls are sweet. till
it tickles; now they know, they’ll go
wild: the greatest pleasure comes
from penetration.


the newly-changed sheets happened to be
the one with abstract patterns. it was blazing hot
from the tropical afternoon’s penetration 
through the musty windows. yes, i have curtains, but i also
have nothing to hide. i told you to come
over, i have some styles i’d like to experiment
with you. so we sweat and stained and creased the sheets,
successfully rendering
the abstract patterns more abstract.


the black wind salivates profusely, but no longer into ears;
its trajectory now involves dripping mercilessly through the gaps
of my hair; the hair on my ears continue to wait 
in futility. strands once thought to be able to withstand all conditions now
fail. the wax has conceded entirely, its formula no longer
reliable. oil and wax have sex and coagulate to subvert weight. wait,
as i attempt to push the flying strands back into place 
but how? i do not know which side
they came from. all this effort
for nothing.

Brandon Choo

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