something that will always be there for me,

hennessy, or the panacea to a heartache

i can’t understand. do you not sometimes get that

       feeling within your body? not butterflies, but

the feeling of why the rain seems to speak to me,

       when i should be in disagreement, loudly

louder than its thunderous roar, just like your body

after hennessy it appears to be an atlas of

my journey, between each follicle is an opportunity 

       to disintegrate my insecurities. what would i 

do without you? hennessy, only you can

       understand me. not just attempt as an effort

to appear as though this means something to you, but

       actually understand me. honestly, i do not

see how this harms me (that’s what my friends

say). i’m not one to go against them, but can

you rebut me when i say that neither did you feel

       that your previous relationship could have harmed you? yet it did. so baby,

…….. i mean hennessy. take me away to distant

beds, where a sin is used to repent

past sins.

Brandon Choo

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